Pittsburgh Steelers fan

Go Steelers!!

Im going to be at the game tonight. Just wondering if anyone else is going tonight

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Hi - anyone check on this group? Mike

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2011 season

So, what do you think? Are we going to have a season? Reports of behind the scenes talks sound encouraging.

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2011 draft

So what does everyone think of the Steeler's 2011 draft picks? So far, looks like they filled a few holes on the team. There should be a more comprehensive list of all the teams and staff reporter evaluations in this Sunday's sports pages.

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Carnell Lake

Just read in the paper today that former Steeler Carnell Lake was hired as definesive backs coach. I wonder if Tomlin is going to make any more changes to his staff.I think they need to work on their secondary (need a back up toPolamalu who is as...

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Well, they gave it a good try and they were on a roll in the 2nd half, but the 3 turnovers and all the penalty yards cost them dearly in the end. I was watcihng the game at a local Chili's with my friends, one of whom is aPaclkers fan. He was...

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Super Bowl Sunday

The big day is this Sunday! Can't wait! Should be a hard fought game. I see the Dallas-Ft. Wroth area was covered by ice yesterday, snarling travel. Great timing, Mother Nature!

MIke Tomlin

Set a record yesterday for being the youngest coach (still under 40) to reach the Super Bowl twice. Given the losses on their offensive line this season, you have to give him and his staff a lot of credit for making it this far (as well as the rest...

This is the Day

Can't wait till this evening. Got my towel and I'm watching the game nude with friends down here in Florida

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