Melbourne Nude meet up plan

Hey all,let all plan a nude meet up in Melbourne. I see this happening in Brisbane and other parts of Australia but not seen one in Melbourne. can we organize this. we need a place to host and then we all get barbeque stuff and drinks and watch a...

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Nude Movie night brisbane guys'

There's a nude movie night on in Brisbane for guys living in Brisbane [1st nov] starts 6:30pm. Address is 72 taylors rd Gaythorne..everyone welcome...john


It's on again''The next movies in the nude are being held on October 4th at our clubhouse on the northside of Brisbane...Starts 6:30pm , everyone welcome,, If interested and want further details send me a message on this website...john

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Spring time movies in brisbane'

Spring is sprung'' GET OUT OF THE CAVE' andenjoy some movies with a bit of male bonding t boot' It's on tis Saturday 6th September, starts 6:30pm. be there or be square' for more details email me on this website....john

Last Day of Winter

Today is the last day of winter. Roll on Spring and summer. Looking forward to getting outside naked.


I have been running these groups for nudist gettogethers in Brisbane, but it's like trying to getbloodoutof a stoneto get people to join in activities. Everyone either has other activities to do on the nights or they're just not interested....

movies and pizza night brisbane'

Come along to our suburban clubhouse on Brisbane northside august 2nd,6:30pm, we're having a movie and pizza night, we'll be cranking up the heat so it's warm inside. Brisbane guys are invited to join us, bring your popcorn and wooly...

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G'day. What's up? I'm Ryan. New to the site and just looking to introduce myself. I'm not new to home nudism and the occasional skinny dip with mates at the beach but looking to meet more people from around the place.

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Our next party has movies'

Hi ' there' Our next party is on the 7th june, 6:30pm, We will be having a movie showing,so bring your popcorn and chips and grab a seat' If you want to find out what the movie will be you'll have to come there or be...

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Nude party gettogether in May

Just a note to let you know that the next Party is on Saturday 3rd of May , starting 6:30pm All guys welcome...hope to see you there..john