Nude Geeks (Scifi, Computers)

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Just a note to the moderator of this Group: I cannot reply to an ongoing discussion. I just tried (both "Reply" and "Quote") but the system informs me that I do not have the appropriate permissions. This is only since the site...

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Help! Toshiba or Dell Laptop?

I'm trying to find a great computer for a low price. Yeah I know. On a budget. I need 3-4 usb ports, built in camera. 3-4 memory but 4g would be best. intel duo, i3 - i7 disk space doesn't matter as I also have a 350g harddrive travel. The...

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Grand Theft Auto 5

What Do You Think Of GTA 5?.. I Hate that You can Only Save or Load While On-Line.

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Just joined the group and thought I'd say hi. I'm in IT IRL and I've always been interested in computers. My first PC was the Timex Sinclair ZX81 which I still keep in my office (although that probably dates me a bit). I'm also an...

The latest batch of Doctor Who episodes

Hi Everyone, is anyone watching the latest Doctor Who episodes? What do you think?

Any Blake's 7 remake rumours?

It's great news about the Blake's 7 remake. It was a product of it's time (and low BBC budget), but i am looking forward to it being remade. Has anyone heard any news about it yet?

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Kid Icarus: Uprising

Anybody here play Kid Icarus: Uprising online? My friend code is 2621-29570-0247

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Torchwood - Any lovers of Captain Jack?

Can I say I adore Captain Jack Harknesss. He rocks! Can't wait to see Torchwood Amercia! yeah.