Dog Owners

Doggie Roll Call

Let's have everyone list their breed(s) of dogs and age. I'll start. We have a 3 year old Weimaraner. Still acts like a puppy.

Rescue dogs and hounds.

My late wife and myself had a variety of rescue pooches, not at the same time though. In order, an Afghan Hound, an English Setter (from a puppy, the only puppy we had), then a rescue Englist Setter, followed by a retired racing Greyhound, then...

What can people do about humping dogs?

I do not have a dog personally but we went over to someones house we had met at a nudist resort. After I had taken off my clothes everything was cool but I got up to go to the bathroom and on the way back their very large dog just jumped on me and...


Fellow dog owners, message me with your Snapchat so we can talk :)

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I have two dogs, 1 is a dachshund 6 yrs old and 1 mixed hound 2 years old.

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What a morning

The last two days have been a nerve wracking experience for us. Our dog Dottie, a 15 year old male Cairin Terrier Mix has been experiencing vomiting, shaking, loss of appetite and lack of sleep due to what was diagnosed as Cushing Disease. Him and I...

Spelling error

Our dogs name is Dittie not Dottie as it appears.

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Australian Shepard

We are new to this group. An we post photos of us and our dog

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Dog Owner Snap Chat

Any other nudist dog owners like to use snap chat? DM me.

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Roll Call

Purebred Thisandthat here. Lab Spitz and Hound mix according to the Rescue Group I got him from. Eight years old now