Anything Else

Anything not summed up in the other topics

Nature Through My Eyes

Nature Through My Eyes Snow and green leaves first snow 03. November2010, near town Novi Sad Nature Through My Eyes! My photo story! Do you have your photo story-Nature Through My Eyes?

Eureka Springs - Arkansas

Hello, Im trying to find out more about Eureka Springs in Arkansas. Can anyone help me?

Latest Post

How many sides do the following shapes have? Nonagon, ....... Hendecagon, ....... Dodecagon, ....... Enneadecagon, ........ Icosagon, ........ To find the answers, go to my profile and see the Trivia blog. Have a nice Nude day! :)

Blog post about protest for Topfree rights...

h2 class="date-header"Monday, August 17, 2009/h2 div class="post hentry uncustomized-post-template"A protest for Topless Rights set for August 23rd /h3 div class="post-body entry-content" So many people in America are...

Lord give me the strength... change the things that I can change and to accept the things I can't. It's a motto I've been trying to live by and I wish others (especially in my office lol) would try to live by as well.

Computer question...web cam

Oki a very kind workmate has given me a computer (yay me!). No idea what's under the hood, but I don't think that really matters to what my question is. Anyways, my question is this, my roomate has a webcam and we had tried to install it on...

Moving to SF/East Bay area in Jan 2010...

I'm a longtime nudist living in the Philadelphia area. My job is relocating me to the San Francisco/East Bay area of California and I'm looking for anyone willing to share their home. You can be a nudist or nudist friendly. I'm a...

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I'll never buy another Dell product...

I hate Dell. I hate Dell like I hate fire ants and ticks, except that if God came down to Earth and told me I could rid the world of one thing, that one thing would be Dell. Their products have turned to shit, and their customer service department...

Anyone Worried?

Im almost hesitant to broach this topic since I remember that not long ago, someone really took issue with someone that posted about their difficulties with Dell because another member didnt think it appropriate to post things not related to nudism...

Smells like another such message

p style="margin: 0.0px 0.0px 10.0px 0.0px; font: 10.0px Verdana;"I got a polite message from a woman from Ghana. She wants to get to know me. And she requested a reply to an email address (not through True Nudists). p style="margin:...