Conduct and Etiquette

Discussions on what is acceptable behavior in social nudist settings

What do you wear when you cant be nude but...

What do you wear when you cant be nude, such as front yard where neighbors and kids can see, etc.My wife wears sun dresses, but I end up in some cargo shorts but am looking for something to be a bit more free...:)

Cameras at Nudist Locations

Cameras have always been banned at nudist locations, but with the changing technology ofphotography, I believe that it is time to set a more realistic set of rules for the use of cameras. Personally, I am not opposed to taking photos at...

The Etiquette of Private Chatting.

A few thoughts on the etiquette of private chatting which I follow and would like to share. Firstly, this is a nudist site and so entitles you to be nude but not pornographic or offensive. There is a thin dividing line between nudity and sex ; we...

Latest PostWell said sir
by NudistNikh 
How Not To Be Creepy

Here are behaviors to avoid according to the article. 1. Dont make comments on others bodies or looks, even if its meant as a compliment. 2. Dont initiate physical touch with people you just met. 3. Keep a respective distance 4. Flirt with...

When you don't have an official place to...

We do have a nude beach or two but the are kind of far (Western Washington). We found a small county park with a pretty remote sand spit. It doesn't get much traffic. We go nude there all the time now. To avoid trouble with the law we cover up...

Cooking Naked

Hello, I am brand new on this group. I got a query via my recipe site about allowing nudist groups to come and cook naked. I specified that aprons must be worn at the stove but that the group can dine as nude as they wish. Within about 10 minutes I...

W T F is it with these Power Crazed...

Here we go AGAIN, I'm ON cam Naked from waist Up, in a Chat with another in PMs, Having a discusion, Laugh etc , when Rosey decides to Kick me out, NO Warning or Reason, Now can we ALL decide that we've Had enough of this Big Brother...

Kicked out of chat for LOL

Hello, I LOL'd in the chat room and now have been kicked off. Where in the rules are we not allowed to LOL? Are some (not all) mod's going too far?

Why do so many accept hundreds of...

Question is why do so many here accept so many 'friends' and then never reply to any message or act like civil people? Seems like nudism only works in the real world as most people would never act this way in person.

Sexual activity on nude beach

So I spent the last week at a nude beach. Everyday I would take a naked walk on the beach. Did not see anything until my last day when I saw 2 guys and a single guy engaging in sexual activity. I just kept walking and did not look. They both had sun...