Happy Clothes-Free Chat Group

Your Top 5 Favorite Christmas Songs

What are your 5 most favorite all-time Christmas songs? :-))

The Pet Topic

What kind of pets do you have? What are their names? How old are they? :-))

This or That: Slippers or Barefoot?

Given that the ground is comfortable, what do you prefer? Slippers or Barefoot? :-))

How do you deal with stressful situations?

This is not about a situation in specific, but when, in real life, something occurs where things get really heated up, how do you usually react? Will you walk away to let things ease or will you state/express how you feel, knowing that doing so will...

If you could go to space, would you?

Let's say you can choose one person to go with you, but you would have to say goodbye to all the other people you care about for a very long time. And knowing all the risks. Would you, if given the opportunity, go to space?

Have you ever met someone famous?

Have you ever met a famous person? :-))