Nude Gardeners

Rough Growing Year

Anyone else have a rough season? Between the torrential down pours and the scorching heat it has been rough. Blight showed its ugly head in my tomatoes this year, killed 4 of my plants. The heat fried my cucumber vines, I replanted and the vines did...

Anyone growing hemp?

Do any of you grow hemp? This is my third year and I turn all of those buds into CBD oil.

Can it be fixed?

Where oh where has my naked gardening moderator gone, not noticing or not caring that we are all exited from the discussion for days and days....the tomatoes still grow but now I can't brag about em!

sprayers , foggers , miser/misters

mosquito's are crazy this year i have a sprayer i pull behind the mower that can be a pain so i bought one of those hand held 20 volt electric sprayers , i was going to buy a fogger but those aren't for veggie gardens so opted for the miser...

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wind chimes

Put wind chimes out beside my garden beds this year. Planting flowers in and around my vegetables this year.

Front Yard

Since I live on a busy through street, I obviously can't be nude. My normal attire now is 3" gym shorts and no shirt. I am considering 2 possibilities for wear even less. 1. Open the side seams and crotch on the shorts. Similar coverage but...

Naked gardening

Happy naked gardening day stay naked

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Naked gardening

Happy naked gardening day stay naked

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There is something really nice about Nude Gardening, however how many of us really get the chance? Great if you live in the middle of nowhere but not so easy in suberbia or even worse, in town or a flat. Whilst living in suberbia so almost...

First naked gardening day of the year

I got to spend the whole afternoon out in the garden naked today. That first day is always a thrill, and it usually happens on April 9th or 10th most years in my neck of the woods. I transplanted some kale, broccoli, and cabbage that I had started...