Nude Gardeners

When new people move in next door.

The single story house next door have new tenants moving in, but as most of the garden fence on that side is high enough not to be seen over it will be nude as normal in my garden, and if they decide to stretch up and look over the fence just too...

purple leaf sand cherry/ plum leaf sand...

Looking for some more insight on growing purple leaf sand cherry( Prunus x cisterna). Also called the plum leaf sand cherry. I found some info on the plant, very little about the berries that they produce. Info on growing them is easy to find, not...

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Texas Gardeners

Anyone out in the garden catching some rays? It's sunny here in north Texas. Come out and enjoy!

Chasing ants away

Does anyone have a few ideas for making ants leave your garden? I use 4'X4' garden squares to grow peppers, tomatoes, greens & onions...the ants like the area. I use concrete blocks to separate the raised beds and ants build their...

To be nude or not to be nude, that is the...

I was faced with quite the conundrum yesterday. It was my day off, was itching to work out in the yard and had several gardening and lawn projects I wanted to get done. Unfortunately, the mercury was hovering around 55 degrees and the sun was hit...


Always liked wild ones. But I've been thinking of propagating them for market. Then went hunting for info and found plenty. Looks like they'd make an excellent high profit commercial crop. So I decided to do it. Best location to get a good...

Will be a great spring in California for...

Because of plentiful rains this winter, it will be a great spring for planting gardens, bushes and trees. The ground is full of moisture. Almond trees are already in full bloom. And peach trees will be right behind. Now nudist gardeners only need to...

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is pretty much anti nude weather time for my location. While it spends more time above freezing than below, it's not generally warm enough to work nude outside except rarely in an exceptional warm spell. I can't help but look forward with...

Newbie. . interested in chatting and making...

Living in a tropical country, I am lucky enough to be able to garden in the nude year round. . .which I always do. I have a fenced in private garden on a very quiet street. Hoping here to get some guys to chat with. New to TN but a lifelong naturist...

Problem plants when gardening nude.

Do any members have plants which they avoid when nude as when I was planting the potatoes I didn't realise I was pushing against rhubarb leaves until the next morning when I had come out in a bad rash from the leaves including on my bottom so in...