Nude Gardeners

winter projects

With 80 acres to mess with on a rough mountainside, it's way past due some development in the gardening farming direction. So, Been working on clearing fence row to close in several acres with old chainlink we have a bunch of. Top it with barb...

World Naked Gardening Day

This Saturday is World Naked Gardening Day and every year I try to get someone new to participate with me. Because of the lockdown we are under this year I won't be doing that. I will try to get some of my nudist friends to come over and spend...

In Praise of Hops

I have been home brewing beer for a few years. I bought some hop rhizomes to learn more about the primary flavoring ingredient. This is my third season of hops. I had been growing them on the deck in containers. I moved the containers to the ground...

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Looking for fellow nude gardners in North...

HI We are new to the site and hope to find fellow nude gardners who can share ideas about growing things in North Queensland. Most welcome to talk to others but with the current lockdown we might have to stay closer to home. FYI living on 1 acre...

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What to plant?

Today fixed my teller (naked) and created an extra row for veggies (naked). Should plant tomorrow, any suggestions. I have tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, brussels sprouts, beans, cilantro, carrots, spinach, jalapeno and radishes already planted.

First nude gardening of the year.

Today I got my first nude gardening of the year in mainly in the veg patch getting the ground ready to plant onion sets and the first potatoes of the year and the next couple of days it is also meant to be good weather so will be doing some more...

Bee Keeping Advice for CT

I live in Connecticut i live in a rural area on a land with 2 Acres hill country. I have ceared a small area for gardening. I want to keep one bee hive. I do not have any experience in bee keeping. So need advice from ground up. Thanks

no tilling gardening

Has anyone tried no tilling gardening? It's an organic gardening technique that keeps more organic material in the ground. They say that people get a better yield from their plants. Like to here someone's story on how no tilling gardening...


I've been reading some good things about biochar and decided to experiment this year. I will add it to half of the plants I start inside and then add it to the soil when I transplant them to the greenhouse. So has anyone here had some with...

Nude Yard Work

Cut the grass inside the privacy fence nude yesterday While only a small part of the lawn, still felt good.