Rules for posting in here

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Male profiles, only women in photos?

Does anybody have any strong thought on this? A profile says the member is male. But then you go to his photos, and he's nowhere to be seen--there's a different naked woman in every photo. I'll confess to something very un-naturist here....

Autralian weather

My wife and I are visiting Melbourne and Sydney in late March. What can expect the weather to be like? Are there any beached or clubs near those cities that we could visit and how would we get there, since we will not have a car?

How to do a blog?

I see that some people have blogs. And they aren't necessarily paid members. But I don't see how I start one. There's a place on my "My Account" page to view my blog (which doesn't exist), but not to edit it. When I click...

How does "Flagging" Work?

Hi I just wanted to know how does it work.. I had somebody try & seel me $99MM from abroad... A scam , but after fallging the person , I still see the peson in here over next couple of days....

Still concerns about bringing my partner and...

I have been here for a few months now and first - have met some really great folks. Still a few concerns about a few before i put up my pictures, bring my partner and become paid and certified. I just spent and hour and a half in the chat room.

My Account

Have been a credited and paid member for a couple of weeks now but as yet I am unable to see other members photos, that includes friends photos. Does it normally take this length of time or do I have a problem? I have contacted TN but still waiting...

pics taken down

id like to ask why my pics were taken down...there were no erections,no hands on genitals and nothing rude or a paying member but i feel im being descriminated against because im a single guy.i have over 240 friends and not one can say that...

Why can't I add to my lists?

I havebeen trying to add to my list of places I will be visiting. For some reason, all I get is a drop-down menu of places I already have visited. The same thing happens on the Places I have visited list. The system won't let me enter anything...

Groups - Why was my new Group removed by the...

I am a genuine long-time nudist from the UK and have been a Smoothie (no body hair) for many years. Additionally I was circumcised at birth. I enjoy the way these both enhance my nudity. I started a club and website for smooth and circumcised...

Looking for a friend

Trying to locate a friend, Richard rtihaz51 contact me please. I have an idea. Tom & L.